Asian Development Bank to Support Road and Trade Improvement in Nepal

Published 2023 May 19 Friday

Kathmandu: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $300 million loan to improve transport connectivity in Nepal to international trade routes, particularly to India and Bangladesh. The loan will be used to upgrade the East-West Highway, which is a major trade route in Nepal.

The project will improve road safety by installing traffic signals, footpaths with streetlights, and tactile paving surfaces. It will also improve pedestrian crossings and bus stops. The project will also support the development of climate change mitigation and adaptation guidelines for road projects.

The project is expected to benefit over 1 million people in Nepal. It is expected to increase trade between Nepal and its neighbors, and to create jobs in the construction and transport sectors.

The project is part of ADB's $1.5 billion support for Nepal's transport sector over the next five years. ADB's support is helping Nepal to improve its transport infrastructure, which is essential for economic development and poverty reduction.

Here are some of the key benefits of the project:

-Improved road safety
-Increased trade between Nepal and its neighbors
-Creation of jobs in the construction and transport sectors
The project is expected to have a positive impact on the economy of Nepal and to improve the lives of the people of Nepal.
